
Viscom Focus


Sara Arouca

Children’s Books Illustrator, Sara coordinates a team of 7 designers for a multinational editorial group. She lives in Italy with her husband, Sandro and her 3 year old daughter, Donatella. Passionate about her work and her family, Sara enjoys writing about Practical Decor & original Arts & Crafts projects!

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Chalk it up or chalk it…baby?!

Taking pictures of babies is pretty much one of the sweetest hobbies of moms and dads. They are just so cute and you can dress them, pose them and move them in different sets however you want… ...


When you feel Home at Work

Working from home is not easy at all. I’ve been there… conference calls, being interrupted by my toddler, speeding with a coffee mug in one hand and a diaper in the other… the insanity needed to ...